Feeding Picky Toddlers

Join Kate Pope (@wildnutritionist) for a
Free Masterclass

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    In this LIVE, free masterclass, I will show you how to make mealtime enjoyable & nutritious for
    15-month-olds to 5-year-olds.

    Picky eating isn’t the end result of just one thing gone wrong…

    Rather, it is an amalgamation of (nutritional, family, and structural) imbalances manifesting as picky eating in your child.

    When I became clear on our food values, I noticed measurable changes in my family.

    I want you to have
    peace of mind
    knowing you are feeding your family
    healthy foods daily…

    …because you have learned the physiologic reasons behind picky eating and gained the practical steps to address it.

    In this free class, you will learn…

    • How to bring your family together around food

    • Tips to increase the number of foods your child eats consistently

    • Introduce more nutrient density to the whole family’s plate and palette

    • Foundational Gut Health Principles for Toddlers (15 months to 5 Years old)

    • How to get your children curious about new foods and cooking

    Ask yourself…

    • Does your toddler or young child refuse all but a few foods?

    • Do you feel stressed about making balanced meals in your family, knowing you’ll have to accommodate one or more family members?

    • Do you worry that your toddler or young child isn’t getting enough nutrition and their health is suffering because of it?

    • Do you wish you could seamlessly and easily bring your family together around food?

    This class is for…

    • Parents of Toddlers who are picky

    • Parents of Toddlers who have oral issues, a difficult time with solids or still struggle with some aspects of mealtime

    • Parents of Toddlers who are “failure to thrive,” any issues with weight gain/growth chart, have chronic infections, or digestive issues

    • Parents of Toddlers with an autism diagnosis

    • Parents of toddlers ages 15 months- 5 years

    • You have at least one picky child, and you want to better understand why

    Meet Kate Pope (@wildnutritionist)

    GAPS Practitioner, Functional Nutritional Therapist, Mother of Augustine (2 years, 4 months) and Adelei (4 months old)